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Gidal Image Archive

Gidal Image Archive contains information on the image collection from Ignaz Nachum Gidalewitsch.

The Gidal Photography Collection comprises approximately 3,000 pictures documenting the history of Jews in Germany and Europe, covering in particular the areas of:

important Jewish persons (approx. 1,200 pictures) Biblical and antique motives Jewish world history culture and religion anti-Semitism and Nazism Link to the collection: Gidal-archive

The original collection has since been enlarged by:

pictorial documents from the estate of the actress and cabaret artist Ruth Klinger, mainly on the Yiddish cabaret “Kaftan” in Berlin, which she founded and directed from 1930 to 1933 together with her husband Maxim Sakaschansky, and on the author Arnold Zweig, whose secretary she was in Haifa from 1943 to 1947, a large number of photos and picture postcards with the focus on Eastern Europe (synagogues, schools, etc.) from the Werner Seewi collection, which was given to the institute on permanent loan.

The Gidal Image Archive is a collection from the Steinheim Institute, maintained by Harald Lordick.

Files: RDF Resource Description Framework Flyer Icon gba-final-01.ttl.gz: Gidal Image Archive
Online: on
URI Slug: gba
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Maintained by: Benjamin Schnabel
License: CC4.0 CC4.0 Image
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