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Eine Jüdische Familie aus Aschaffenburg

The information regarding Hirsch family is gathered by Jüdische Leben in Unterfranken - Biographische Datenbank e.V. (Jewish Life in Lower Franconia - Biographical Database e.V. ).

the Association of Jewish Life in Lower Franconia - Biographical Database e.V. systematically researches the city and monastery archives in Aschaffenburg for sources on Jewish history. Approximately 35 volunteers throughout Lower Franconia support this work. The sources are digitized. The evaluation as well as the digitized data are recorded in the database and made available on the Internet.

Origin: Biographical database - Jewish Lower Franconia

Files: RDF Resource Description Framework Flyer Icon HirschFamily.ttl.gz: Dataset created from the available information on Hirsch family.
Online: on
URI Slug: hirsch
Named Graph:
Maintained by: Maral Dadvar
License: CC0 CC0 Image
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