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Encyclopedia of Russian Jewry provides an Internet version of the Encyclopedia of Russian Jewry, which is published in Moscow since 1994, giving a comprehensive, objective picture of the life and activity of the Jews of Russia, the Soviet Union and the CIS.

The encyclopedia is structurally divided into three parts: 1. biographical information, 2. local history of the Jewish community in pre-revolutionary Russia, the Soviet Union and the CIS, and 3. thematic information on concepts related to Jewish civilization, the contribution of the Jews of Russia in various fields of activity, various Jewish social, scientific, cultural organizations, etc. The originally published volumes contain more than 10,000 biographies and more than 10,000 place names. The electronic version contains corrections and additions in the form of new articles.

Concepts: 20,434
Links: 30,052
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Files: RDF Resource Description Framework Flyer Icon rujen-metadata.ttl.gz: Metadata for rujen dataset.
RDF Resource Description Framework Flyer Icon rujen.ttl.gz: RDF dump of the rujen dataset.
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Maintained by: Kai Eckert
License: CC0 CC0 Image
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